@article{Sayed202313 title = "Hybrid Limited Shoulder Surgical Management (HLSSM) Sayed Issa's Hybrid Shoulder Arthroscopic-Open Surgical Management", journal = "Journal of Clinical Case reports and Images", volume = "2", number = "4", pages = "13 - 18", year = "2023", note = "", issn = "2641-5518", doi = "https://doi.org/10.14302/issn.2641-5518.jcci-23-4646", url = "http://jphi-healthcarejournals.netjcci/article/1996", author = "Issa Abdulhamid Sayed", keywords = "mini-incision release", keywords = "safety", keywords = "cosmetic", keywords = "rehabilitation", keywords = "complications", keywords = "Shoulder", keywords = "Shoulder injuries", keywords = "Tendinopathy", keywords = "Bursitis pathologic processes", keywords = "Rotator Cuff Tear", keywords = "Shoulder approach", keywords = "Lateral Shoulder approach", keywords = "Shoulder impingement syndrome", keywords = "Rotator cuff tendinopathy", keywords = "Adhesive capsulitis", keywords = "Frozen shoulder syndrome", keywords = "HLSSM", keywords = "HSSM", keywords = "Approach", keywords = "Second Sayed Issa's", keywords = "Hill-Sachs lesion", keywords = "tendon injuries", keywords = "wounds and injuries." }