Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Images

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Clinical Case reports and Images-Traumatology-Fabio Arilla


Department of Orthopedics,
University of Pittsburgh.

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Fabio Arilla


Rua Adolfo Mattes, 350 Neighborhood 
Estância Velha,
Rio Grande Do Sul ( RS ),

Research Interests:

Traumatology, Orthopedics.



  1. Lateral Extra-articular Tenodesis Has No Effect in Knees With Isolated Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury.
  2. Biomechanical evaluation of knee endpoint during anterior tibial loading: Implication for physical exams.
  3. Correlation between a 2D simple image analysis method and 3D bony motion during the pivot shift test.
  4. Validation of Quantitative Measures of Rotatory Knee Laxity.
  5. Tensile properties of a split quadriceps graft for ACL reconstruction.
  6. Novel Technique for Evaluation of Knee Function Continuously Through the Range of Flexion.
  7. Experimental Execution of the Simulated Pivot-Shift Test: A Systematic Review of Techniques.
  8. Effects of Anterolateral Capsular Injury and Extra-Articular Tenodesis on Knee Kinematics During Physical Examination.
  9. Knee Kinematics Are Related to Patient-Reported Outcomes 6 Months After Anatomic ACL Reconstruction.
  10. Macroscopic anatomical, histological and magnetic resonance imaging correlation of the lateral capsule of the knee.