Journal of Human Health Research

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Journal of Human Health Research- Health Care


Department of Clinical Oncology

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William Cho


Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Research Interests:

Oncology, Pancreatic Cancer, Cancer Research & Treatment


  • Jiang W, Liu N, Chen XZ, Sun Y, Li B, Ren XY, Qin WF, Jiang N, Xu YF, Li YQ, Ren J, Cho WC, Yun JP, Zeng J, Liu LZ, Li L, Guo Y, Mai HQ, Zeng MS, Kang TB, Jia WH, Shao JY, Ma J. Genome-wide identification of a methylation gene panel as a prognostic biomarker in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Mol Cancer Ther 2015;14(12)L2864-73.
  • Chan LW, Lin X, Yung G, Lui T, Chiu YM, Wang F, Tsui NB, Cho WC, Yip SP, Siu PM, Wong SC, Yung BY. Novel structural co-expression analysis linking NPM1-associated ribosomal biogenesis network to chronic myelogenous leukemia. Sci Rep 2015;5:10973.
  • Lianos GD, Mangano A, Cho WC, Roukos DH. From standard to new genome-based therapy of gastric cancer. Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2015;9(8):1023-6.
  • Maes E, Cho WC*, Baggerman G. Translating clinical proteomics: the importance of study design. Expert Rev Proteomics 2015;12(3):217-9.
  • Lianos GD, Mangano A, Cho WC, Dionigi G, Roukos DH. Circulating tumor DNA: new horizons for improving cancer treatment. Future Oncol 2015;11(4):545-8.