Journal of Aging Research And Healthcare

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Journal of Aging Research And Healthcare - Surgery

United States

Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Case Western Reserve University | CWRU

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Vernon Ruffin


Virginia Union University, Department Natural Sciences, 1500 North Lombardy Street

Research Interests:

Neuroscience, Data Presentation, Western Blot, Immunohistochemistry, Teaching, Physiology, Surgery, Neurobiology, Neurobiology and Brain Physiology, Neurodegenerative Diseases


  • Brunson, T.* and Ruffin, V. A.; Examining the relationship between acid/base transporters in the SLC9 and SLC4 families and the digestive protein orexin during acidosis and hypercapnia. Virginia Union University Discovery Day, Richmond, VA (04/2016)
  • Kaminski, B.* and Ruffin, V. A.; The effect of alcoholism on the brain. Virginia Union University Research Expo, Richmond, VA (04/2017)
  • Valentine, J.*, Sutton, R., Sillah, A., Jones, A., Jenkins, K., Ruffin, V. A., and Paige-Anderson, C.; SEAPHAGES: Fall 2016 Phage Discovery. Virginia Union University Research Expo, Richmond, VA (04/2016)
  • Brown- Ruffin, B.*, Bolden, T., Rowe, C., Saffir, J.*, Ruffin, V. A., and Paige-Anderson, C.; SEAPHAGES: Spring 2017 Big3 Genome Annotation. Virginia Union University Research Expo, Richmond, VA (04/2017)