Journal of Agronomy Research

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Journal of Agronomy Research- Plant Nutrition


Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Montenegro, in Podgorica

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Vera Popovic


Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Maxim Gorky St. 30, Novi Sad, Serbia.

Research Interests:

Environment, Agriculture, Fertilizers, Plant Physiology, Plant Nutrition, Crop Production, Agricultural Development, Climate Change and Agriculture, Ecology, Sustainable Agriculture


  • Spent Coffee Grounds, Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria, and Medicinal Plant Waste: The Biofertilizing Effect of High-Value Compost
  • The effect of fertility control on soil conservation as a basic resource of sustainable agriculture
  • Investigation of the nitrogen and phosphorus content in arable agricultural land in Serbia
  • The Effect of Age of Cows on Variability in Mastitis Prevalence Risk and its Concomitant Impacts on the Successive Daily Milk Yield