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Crop Management


Agricultural and Biological Research Institute, National Research Centre, Egypt

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Zakaria Fouad Fawzy Hassan


El- Behira-Egypt.

Research Interests:

Organic Agriculture, Food Safety, Climate Change, Climate Smart Agriculture, Horticulture Crops, , Crop Management, Soil Management, Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition, Agricultural Education, Land Use, Crop Production, Agricultural Research, General Agriculture.


Zakaria Fouad Fawzy – Professor Agricultural and Biological Research Division - National Research Centre and Assessor in Egyptian Accreditation Council about Organic Farming and Food Safety. He is coordinator of the Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture " GACSA" in Food and Agriculture Organization " FAO" and also member of Chinese Arab Technology Transfer Centre. He is the first Egyptian researcher attended of the talented young scientist program in China. He got an opportunity for more than two international projects in Egypt as a principal investigator about Climate Changes Issues in China and Egypt


  • Fawzy .Z.F.; Awatif G. Behairy and S.A. Shehata.2005. Effect of potassium fertilizer on growth and yield of sweet pepper plants. (Capsicum annuum,L). Egypt.J.Agric.Res.,2 (2) : 599 – 610.
  • Abou El- Magd,M.M.; Hoda.A.Mohamed, and Fawzy Z.F.2005.Relationship growth, yield of broccoli with increasing N,P or K ratio in a mixture of NPK fertilizers ( Brassica oleracea var. htalica plenck). Annals of A GRIC. Sc., Moshtohor, Vol. 43 (2): 791-805.
  • El- Nemr, M.A.;A.M.El- Bassiony and Z.F.Fawzy.2005. Effect of biogen and rhizobacterin bio-fertilizers on growth, yield and quality of some okra cultivars. Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 20 (9).216-226.
  • Glala A.A. ; A.M. Hoda. And Z.F.Fawzy.2005. Improving tomato plant growth, health, earliness, productivity and fruit quality by chemically induced systematic resistance. Journal of Applied Research 1 (5) : 362-372.