Vijay Gahlaut
Chandigarh University, Punjab
Research Interests:
Plant Genetics, SPSS, Molecular Markers, Crop Improvement, PCR, Plant Molecular Biology, Disease Resistance, Abiotic Stress Tolerance
CSIR - Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology (January 2020 - 2022)
Biotechnology Research Area Pālampur, India
University of Delhi (September 2017 - December 2019)
Department of Plant Molecular BiologyDelhi, India
Position - DST-INSPIRE Faculty
Chaudhary Charan Singh University (April 2010 - September 2016)
Department of Genetics and Plant BreedingMeerut, India
Position - Researcher
- Quantitative Epigenetics: A New Avenue for Crop Improvement
- Quantitative Epigenetics: A New Avenue for Crop Improvement
- Transcription factors and their roles in phosphorus stress tolerance in crop plants
- Introgression of a drought insensitive grain yield QTL for improvement of four Indian bread wheat cultivars using marker assisted breeding without background selection
- Multi-Locus Genome Wide Association Mapping for Yield and Its Contributing Traits in Hexaploid Wheat under Different Water Regimes