Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Images

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Journal of Clinical Case reports and Images-Gastrointestinal Surgery


MBBS, MS, FRCS (Glasg), FACS (USA), DipMIS (France), Dip.RoboticSurgery (France)

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Rangarajan M


149-A, Bharathidasan Street, Chidambaram 608001, Tamil Nadu, India

Research Interests:

Laparoscopic Surgery, Gastrointestinal Surgery, Minimally Invasive Surgery, Abdominal Surgery, General Surgery, Surgery, Hernia Surgery, Advance Laparoscopic Surgery, Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Colorectal Surgery


  • Palanivelu C, Parthasarathi R, Rangarajan M, Senthilnathan P, Praveenraj P. “Totally Laparoscopic Proctocolectomy with Intracorporeal Ileal Pouch-Anal Anastomosis Followed By 'Natural Orifice Specimen Extraction' (N.O.S.E)”: Congress of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia, September 2008, Yokohama, Japan
  • Palanivelu C, Rajan PS, Rangarajan M, Parthasarathy R.“Peroral Transgastric Cholecystectomy – A Case Report of Two Human Patients”: Congress of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia, September 2008, Yokohama, Japan
  • Palanivelu C, Rajan PS, Parthasarathi R, Rangarajan M. “Laparoscopic Pancreatoduodenectomy – Safety and Efficacy of Radical Resection.” Congress of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia, September 2008, Yokohama, Japan
  • Palanivelu C, Parthasarathi R, Rangarajan M, Rajan PS, Senthilnathan P. “Initial Retroperitoneal Endoscopic Tunnel Approach (‘IRETA’) For Laparoscopic Right Colectomy in Malignant Disease: Description of Technique.” Congress of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia, September 2008, Yokohama, Japan