Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Images

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Clinical Case reports and Images-plastic surgery-Annalisa  Cogliandro


Campus Bio Medico,
University of Rome,
Dept. of plastic and reconstructive surgery.

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Annalisa Cogliandro


via Alvaro del Portillo 200,
00128 Rome.

Research Interests:

  • plastic surgery
  • reconstructive surgery
  • lasers
  • breast reconstruction
  • facial renjuvenation


  • Annalisa Cogliandro born in Reggio Calabria (RC) on October 13, 1980.
  • Plastic surgeon at Campus Bio-Medico University in Rome since 2010.
  • Medical degree awarded cum laude by Campus Bio-Medico University in Rome, 2005.
  • Diploma of specialization in Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery awarded by Campus Bio-Medico University in Rome, 2010.
  • Research doctorate awarded by Campus Bio-Medico University in Rome, 2013. 
  • Nowadays author of more than thirty-two international indexed publications on the most important journals of Plastic and Reconstructive surgery.
  • Main interest fields of study and researches are: breast reconstruction, aesthetic and reconstructive rhinoplasty,  anatomy of palpebral region and blepharoplasty, the aesthetic value of beauty and the ethical implications in Plastic surgery.