Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Images

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Journal of Clinical Case reports and Images-Urology


Associate Professor In Urology, University of Trieste

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Salvatore Siracusano


Padua, Italy

Research Interests:

Microsurgery and Experimental surgery, Urology, Urological Reconstructive Surgery


  • Preoperative endogenous total testosterone predicts prostate cancer progression: results in 580 consecutive patients treated with robot assisted radical prostatectomy for clinically localized disease
  • Prognostic impact of palpable prostate tumors on disease progression after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy: a single center experience
  • Normal preoperative endogenous testosterone levels predict prostate cancer progression in elderly patients after radical prostatectomy
  • Preoperative endogenous testosterone density predicts disease progression from localized impalpable prostate cancer presenting with PSA levels elevated up to 10 ng/mL