Journal of Diseases

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Diseases-Healthcare associated infections Antibiotic stewardship


National & Kapodistrial,
University of Athens.

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Pyrrou 23 Pagrati.

Research Interests:

Healthcare associated infections Antibiotic stewardship


EDUCATION-Secondary Education:

  • 1981-1987:Gymnasium and 1st Lyceum of Vari, Attiki(Honorary Diploma, Ministry of Education and Religion award for excellent performance during secondary education for six consecutive years, 1981-1987.
  • Honorary Diploma, Ministry of Education and Religion award for graduating Frst in class during secondary education for six consecutive years, 1981-1987)

Graduate education:

  • 1988-1995: Medical School of Athens, National & Kapodistrial University of Athens.-

Postgraduate education:

  • 1996-2001: Residency in Biopathology, «Alexandra» Hospital, Athens.1998-2002: PhD thesis Department ofClinical Therapeutics, University of Athens School of Medicine, «Alexandra» Hospital.Chair: Prof. S. Stamatelopoulos