Master of Science in Geographic Information Sciences – APSSFP, Sassari, Italy – 2004
Master’s Degree in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies – University of Sassari, Italy – 2003
Member of Agronomists and Foresters Professional Organization – Province of Sassari, Italy
Giuseppe Pulighe
Cagliari, via Carloforte 51 | Italy
Research Interests:
Agronomy, Ecological Economics, Remote Sensing, Forests, Applied Geography, Energy Technology, Sustainability, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Renewable and Sustainable Energy.
Giuseppe Pulighe currently works at CREA - Research Center for Agricultural Policies and Bioeconomy, Council for Agricultural Research and Agricultural Economy Analysis, Rome, Italy.
M.Sc. in Agricultural Science and Technology. Master of Science in GIS. His research activities mainly deal with ecohydrological modelling, agronomy, climate change and land use change impacts, Irrigation and water management, remote sensing, and GIS. He has authored or co-authored over 60 journal publications and conference contributions. Regularly serves as a reviewer for international scientific journals. Instructor of Hydrological Modelling with SWAT+.
- PULIGHE G*. (2022) – Perspectives and Advancements on “Land Use and Land Cover Mapping in a Changing World. Land 11(12), 2108.
- PULIGHE G*., Lupia, F., Chen, H., Yin, H. (2021) – Modeling Climate Change Impacts on Water Balance of a Mediterranean Watershed Using SWAT+. Hydrology 8(4), 157.
- Pirelli T., Chiumenti A., PULIGHE G*. (2021) – Environmental sustainability of the biogas pathway in Italy through the methodology of the Global Bioenergy Partnership. Journal of Cleaner Production 318 (2021) 128483.
- Traverso L., Colangeli M., Morese M., PULIGHE G., Branca G. (2020) – Opportunities and constraints for implementation of cellulosic ethanol value chains in Europe. Biomass and Bioenergy 141 (2020) 105692.
- PULIGHE G.*, Lupia F. (2020) – Food First: COVID-19 Outbreak and Cities Lockdown a Booster for a Wider Vision on Urban Agriculture. Sustainability 2020, 12(12), 5012.
- PULIGHE G.*, Bonati, G. et al. (2020) – Predicting Streamflow and Nutrient Loadings in a Semi-Arid Mediterranean Watershed with Ephemeral Streams Using the SWAT Model. Agronomy 2020, 10, 2.
- PULIGHE G.*, Lupia F. (2019) – Multitemporal Geospatial Evaluation of Urban Agriculture and (Non)- Sustainable Food Self-Provisioning in Milan, Italy. Sustainability 2019, 11, 1846.
- PULIGHE G.*, Bonati G. et al. (2019) – Ongoing and emerging issues for sustainable bioenergy production on marginal lands in the Mediterranean regions. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 103 (2019) 58-70.
- Dalla Marta A., PULIGHE G. et al. (2019) - A methodological approach for assessing the impact of urban agriculture on water resources: a case study for community gardens in Rome (Italy). Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems Volume 43, Issue 2, 228-240.
- Vanino S., PULIGHE G. et al. (2018) – Capability of Sentinel-2 data for estimating maximum evapotranspiration and irrigation requirements for tomato crop in Central Italy. Remote Sensing of Environment 215(2018) 452- 470.
- PULIGHE G.*, Lupia F. (2016) - Mapping spatial patterns of urban agriculture in Rome (Italy) using Google Earth and web-mapping services. Land Use Policy 59(2016) 49-58.
- PULIGHE G.*, Fava F., Lupia F. (2016) - Insights and opportunities from mapping ecosystem services of urban green spaces and potentials in planning. Ecosystem Services 22(2016) 1-10.
- Fava F., PULIGHE G., Monteiro A. (2016) - Mapping changes in land cover composition and pattern for comparing Mediterranean rangeland restoration alternatives. Land Degradation and Development 27(3):671- 681.
- PULIGHE G.*, Baiocchi V., Lupia F. (2016) - Horizontal accuracy assessment of very high-resolution Google Earth images in the city of Rome, Italy. International Journal of Digital Earth Volume 9 (2016) Issue 4.