Journal of Human Psychology

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Journal of Human Psychology - Creativity


National Taiwan Normal University | NTNU, College of Technology and Engineering, Doctor of Philosophy.

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Jon-Chao Hong


College of Technology and Engineering, National Taiwan Normal University

Research Interests:

Games, Creativity, Learning, Educational Games, Teaching, Blended Learning, Pre-Service Teachers, Teaching and Learning, Cooperative Behavior


Jon-Chao Hong is currently working as a research professor at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU). As the director of Digital Game-based Learning Laboratory (GBL), he has developed Apps, IVR and AIoT for learning domain knowledge, such as language and science learning, and skill training, as well as thinking skill. Additionally, his team has also developed VR in skill development, such as cutting vegetables, car washing, winnower, and fire and earthquake escaping, and spatial ability assessment; and other skill training, such as VR Jazz drum and VR for language semantic and syntax practice.


  • An analysis of Metaverse literacy and college teachers’ need for learning: the need for a cognition perspective
  • Problem-based learning with library e-resources to enhance student information literacy self-efficacy
  • Enhancing mandarin learning through classroom response apps: A comparison of cognitive and affective factors in touch and shaking responses
  • Navigating self-regulated online teaching: Educators’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic
  • The role of gender in Chinese junior high students’ self-efficacy, creative thinking and project-based learning perceived value in technology and engineering education