Korea, Democratic People's Rep
Division of EcoScience,
Ewha Womans University.
00 82 10 3610 4863
Amael Borzee
Division of EcoScience,
Ewha Womans University.
- I am principally interested in the conservation of amphibians, and their breeding behaviour.
- I am currently working on the reasons behind the endangered status of the Suweon Treefrog (Dryophytes suweonensis), the impact of climate change on the breeding phenology of salamanders, toads, ranids and hylids in Korea and the ecology, behaviour, phylogeography and conservation of all anuran species from North East Asia.
- Andersen D., Yi Y., Borzée A., Kim K, & Jang Y. (September 2017). Estimating Carrying Capacity of the Asiatic Black Bear in Jirisan National Park. The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference 2017.Jeju, Republic of Korea.
- Borzée A. & Jang Y. (September 2017). Landscape use by the endangered Suweon Treefrog Dryophytes suweonensis. The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference 2017. Jeju, Republic of Korea.
- Borzée A. & Jang Y. (July 2017). Agricultural practices and environmental variables in relation to rice paddy use as breeding site by Korean Hylids. 72nd Annual Meeting of the Korean Association of Biological Sciences. Seoul, Republic of Korea.
- Borzée A. & Jang Y. (July 2017). Species-specific behaviours in anthropologically-disturbed landscapes can lead species to extinction. ICCB : 28th International Congress for Conservation Biology. Cartagena, Colombia.
- Borzée A. & Jang Y. (June 2017). Agricultural practices and environmental variables in relation to rice paddy use as breeding site by Korean Hylids. Amphibian Conservation Research Symposium. United Kingdom.10.13140/RG.2.2.29129.75362
- Borzée A. & Jang Y. (November 2016). Differences in hibernating ecology between Korean treefrogs. 55th Annual Meeting of the Herpetological Society of Japan. Okinawa, Japan.
- Jang Y. & Borzée A. (August 2016). Temporal and spatial differentiation in microhabitat use in two closely related treefrog species. 71st Annual Meeting of the Korean Association of Biological Sciences. Seoul, Korea
- Borzée A., Kosh T., Kim M., and Jang Y. (August 2016). Correlation between the American Bullfrog-borne Bd and population decline in an endangered treefrog species. 8
- th World Congress of Herpetology. Hangzhou, China.
- Borzée A. & Jang Y. (July 2016). Temporal and spatial differentiation in microhabitat use in two closely related treefrog species. 53rd Annual Conference of the Animal Behaviour Society. Missouri, USA.
- Borzée A. & Jang Y. (June 2016). Comparing methodologies for estimating population sizes in calling Hylids. Joint Meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology Asia section and Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation
- Asia-Pacific chapter. Singapore.
- Borzée A. & Jang Y. (August 2015). Temporal and spatial differentiations in microhabitat use in males of two sympatric treefrog species: implications for reproductive isolation and ecological specialisation. 34th International Ethological Conference 2015. Cairn, Australia.
- Borzée A. & Jang Y. (July 2015). A methodological comparison for real population size and estimates from a conservation perspective, through the use of the Suweon Treefrog (Hyla suweonensis) as a model species. ICCB : 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology and 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology.Montpellier, France.
- Borzée A., Fong J. & Jang Y. (July 2015). Broad introgression patterns between two Hylid species from the Korean Peninsula: the case of Hyla suweonensis and H. japonica. The Korean Research Society of Herpetologists. Wonju,Republic of Korea.
- Borzée A. (November 2014). Herpetological Society of Japan: Is the situation as dire as previously described for the Suweon Treefrog (Hyla suweonensis)? Real population size and estimates from a conservation perspective.The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Herpetological Society of Japan. Kobe, Japan.
- Borzée A. & Jang Y. (February 2014). Microhabitat selection for the calling location of the two treefrog species from the Korean peninsula: Hyla suweonensis and H. japonica. Korean Society of Ecology. Seoul, Republic of Korea.
- Borzée A. & Jang Y. (July 2013). Morphometrics of two cryptic species of tree frog in Korea: a morphological key for the critically endangered Hyla suweonensis in relation to H. japonica. The Korean Research Society of Herpetologists. Seoul, Republic of Korea.
- Borzée A., Yu A-Y., & Jang Y. (2018). Variation in the persistence of two Hylid species in relation to behavioural and physiological traits. Ethology Ecology & Evolution. In press.
- Borzée A., Groffen J. & Seliger B. Bombina orientalis (Oriental Fire-bellied Toad). (2018). Herpetological Review- Geographic Distribution Notes. In press.
- Borzée A. and Jang Y. Interference competition driven by hydric stress in Korean Hylids. (2018). Nature Conservation Research. In press.Heo K., Kim Y.I., Bae Y., Jang Y. & Borzée A. (2018). First report of Dryophytes japonicus tadpoles in salineenvironment. Russian Journal of herpetology. In press.
- Borzée A., Kim M. & Jang Y. Dryophytes suweonensis (Suweon Treefrog). Mating behaviour. Herpetological Review - Natural History Notes. In press Kim K., Kong S., Kim Y. I., Borzée A., Bae Y & Jang Y. (2018). Japanese Hard Ticks (Ixodes nipponensis)
- Parasitizing on the Endangered Leopard Cat (Prionaliurus bengalensis euptilurus) in the Republic of Korea.ASED. 34(1):23-26.
- Borzée A., Kyong C.N., Kil HK. & Jang Y. (2018). Impact of water quality on the occurrence of two endangered Korean anurans: Dryophytes suweonensis and Pelophylax chosenicus. Herpetologica. 74(1):1-7.Kim M.Y., Borzée A., Kim J.Y. & Jang Y. (2017). Lateral line as a mean of individual identification through visualand software assisted methodologies. Journal of Ecology and Environment. 41:42.
- Borzée A., Santos J. L., Sanchez-Ramirez S., Bae Y., Heo K., Jang Y. & Jowers M. (2017). Phylogeographic and population insights of Bufo gargarizans in Korea: recent mainland Asian colonization, population expansions and lack of local geographical structure. PeerJ. 5:e4044 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.4044
- Borzée A. & Jang Y. (2017). Impact of rice and bean harvests on the Suweon Treefrog (Dryophytes suweonensis). International Journal of Current Research. 9(10):59620-59623.