International Journal of Human Anatomy

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International Journal of Human Anatomy - Human Histology


Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Anatomy and Medical Imaging 

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Samuel Allwyn Joshua


American University of Antigua, College of Medicine

Research Interests:

Clinical Neuroanatomy, Radiological Anatomy and Medical Imaging, Human Histology, Human cadaveric dissections, Human Embryology, Gross Anatomy, Computed Tomography, Radiology anatomy, Neuroanatomy


  • Joshua SA*, Shetty L, Pare VS, Sebastian R. Chondro-manubrial deformity and Bifid Rib, rare variations seen in Pectus Carinatum: A Radiological finding. Surgical and Radiological Anatomy 2013; 35(5): 443- 47.
  • Joshua SA*, Nayak S, Pare VS, Ashok, Sebastian R. Unruptured intracranial aneurysm involving the distal segment of anterior cerebral artery: A case report. Journal of case reports 2013;3(1):5-9.
  • Joshua SA*, Shetty L, Pare VS, Sebastian R. Radiological Indices for Chest in the Indian Population. Journal of Radiology Research and Practice. Vol. 2014 (2014), Article ID 145020, DOI: 10.5171/2014.145020
  • Joshua SA*, Shetty L, Pare VS, Sebastian R. Pectus deformities: dilemma in diagnosis International Journal of Health sciences and Research 2014; 4(10): 351- 58 [cited on November 30th, 2015].