Journal of Language Research

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Language Research-Teaching and Learning Pedagogy Special Education-Óscar Navarro


Castilla-La Mancha University

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Óscar Navarro


3 Ronda de Calatrava 13700 Ciudad Real

Research Interests:

  • Teaching and Learning Pedagogy Special Education,
  •  Collaborative Learning Eye, 
  • Tracking Materials Design


  • Ph. D. in Pedagogy by the Castilla-La Mancha University and Bachelor in Pedagogy by the National University of Education at Distance.
  •  Teacher in primary schools, as well as institutes of secundary education since 1997, I have taught courses in-person and online related to the field of education.
  •  I have also taught at the University Center of Studies of Talavera de la Reina and at present I work in the Faculty of Education of Ciudad Real.
  •  My main areas of Interest are the elaboration and implementation of multimedia materials with students of primary education using eye tracking, as well as the use of LMS systems and practices of e-learning. In particular I pay attention to slow learners.