Journal of Public Health International

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Journal of Public Health International - Metabolism


Associate Professor, Public Health Nutrition, Abu Dhabi University, Abu Dhabi

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Haleama Al Sabbah


Abu Dhabi University/ Abu Dhabi, UAE, College of Health Sciences, Department of Public Health Sciences

Research Interests:

Nutrition, Public Health, Insulin Resistance, Metabolic Diseases, Metabolism, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases, Human Nutrition, Nutritional Education, Hypertension, Nutrition Assessment


Dr. Haleama Al Sabbah is an Associate Professor and Senior Public Health Nutrition Specialist at the Public Health Department, College of Health Sciences, Abu Dhabi University, UAE. She completed her Ph.D. in Public Health Nutrition (Ph.D. in Medical Sciences) in 2008 at the Faculty of Medicine, Gent University, Belgium (159 QS world University Rankings 2024). She received a doctoral scholarship from Belgian Technical Cooperation (BTC).


  • Al-Bayyari, N., Al Sabbah, H., Hailat, M., AlDahoun. H., Abu-Samra, H. Dietary diversity and iron deficiency anemia among a cohort of singleton pregnancies: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 2024. Scopus Q1.
  • Assaf EA., Abuhammad, S., Ageely, R., Maabre, R., Al Sabbah, H. The Impact of a Training Program of Communication for Midwives on Women’s Satisfaction during Childbirth: An Intervention Study. Jordan Journal of Nursing Research, 2024. DOI:
  • Al Sabbah, H*, Al Mutawa N, Assaf EA. Prevalence of premenstrual syndrome and its associations with dietary and other lifestyle factors among university female students in Dubai: A cross-sectional study. Women’s Health, 2024. Scopus Q1.
  • Assaf EA., Al Sabbah, H, Momani A., Al-Amer R, A., Al-Sa’ad G., Ababneh A. Factors influencing gestational diabetes self-care among pregnant women in a Syrian Refugee Ca