Journal of Public Health International

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Journal of Public Health International - Environment


Hellenic Republic Region of Attica Department of Environmental Hygiene and Public Health Inspections, Doctor of Public Health

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Ioannis Adamopoulos


Athens, Greece

Research Interests:

Public Health Education, Health Promotion, Health Care Management, Health Education, Health Management, Preventive Medicine, Environment, Health, Safety, Public Health


  • European Public Health Association Conference:Political interference and corruption in public health authorities in the Region of Attica, Hellenic Republic: Conceptual Analysis
  • European Public Health Association Conference: Management of Political Leadership Interventions and Public Health Services Workforce Occupational Risks related to Job Position-EUPHA Health Workforce Research Section Mid-term Conference
  • Perceptions about the COVID-19 disease and the vaccination of those arriving at a vaccination center are correlated with medical public health services management
  • Greece's current water and wastewater regulations and the risks they pose to environmental hygiene and public health, as recommended by the European Union Commission-European Journal of Sustainable Development Research
  • Role of Food and Drugs Authority Act, 1992 (PNDCL 305B) and Legislative Instrument (LI) in Regulating Artificial Intelligence Based Medical Devices, Apps, and Systems to Prevent Negligence