Journal of Women's Reproductive Health

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Women's Reproductive Health-The Effects of Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning on Neuroprogenitor Cells.-Baris Baykal


Assisted Reproductive Techniques Centre,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
School of Medicine,
Gulhane Military Medical Academy.

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Baris Baykal


Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
School of Medicine, Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey

Research Interests:

  • The Effects of Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning on Neuroprogenitor Cells.
  • Assesment of Chromosomal Mosaicism in Human Embryos Acquired Using Assisted Reproductive Techniques.
  • The Effects of Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning on Retina.


  • Graduated from Gulhane Military Medical Faculty on 1998.
  • Specialization in Medical Histology and Embryology on 2004.
  • Assist.Prof. of Histology and Embryology on 2007.
  • Assoc.Prof. of Histology and Embryology on 2010.
  • Working in ART Centre of Gulhane Military Medical Academy, School of Medicine since 2006.

Articles published in International Refereed Journals:

  1. Sencimen, M., Varol, A., Baykal, B., Altug, HA., Dogan, N., Sahin, S., Okcu, KM., Yalcin, B., "Histological Characteristics of Ligaments Between Middle Ear and Temporomandibular Joint", European Journal of Dentistry, 3, 280-284(2009).
  2. Baykal, B. “Letter to the editor: Is There a Pool of Neuroblasts”, Stoke, 40, e495 (2009).
  3. Baykal, B., Korkmaz, C., Ceyhan, ST., Göktolga, Ü., Başer, İ., “Opinions of Infertile Turkish Women on Gamete Donation and Gestational Surrogacy”, Fertil. Steril., 89, 817-822 (2008).
  4. Yokusoglu, M., Sag, C., Cincik, M., Uzun, M., Kayir, H., Koz, C., Baykal, B., Ozkan, M., Ozogul, C., Baysan, O., Uzbay, IT., “Perindopril, atenolol, and amlodipine prevent aortic ultrastructural changes in rats exposed to ethanol”, Med. Sci. Monit., 14, 96-102 (2008).
  5. Çetinkurşun, S., Demirbağ, S., Cıncık, M., Baykal, B., Günal, A., “Effects of phototherapy on newborn rat testicles”, Arch. Androl., 52, 61-70 (2006).
  6. Sağ, C., Yokuşoglu, M., Cıncık, M., Özkan, M., Kayır, H., Uzun, M., Baykal, B., Özoğul, C., Baysan, O., Uzbay, IT., “The prevention of myocardial ultrastructural changes by perindopril, atenolol and amlodipine in chronic alcohol administered rats”, Pharmacol. Res., 53, 142-8 (2006).
  7. Cıncık, M., Baykal, B., Zeteroğlu, S., Önalan, G., Ceyhan, ST., Ergür, R., “Pronuclear Synchronization and Nuclear Morphology of Mature and In-Vitro Matured Oocytes in The Rat: An Ultrastructural Study”, In Vitro Cell Dev. Biol. Anim., 41, 272-277 (2005).