Nikola Tesla's visions and inventions realized in his controlled altered states of consciousness were considered previously as manifestations of his meditative insights within extended framework of quantum-holographic macroquantum correlations of individual & collective consciousness. This Tesla-inspired paper now focuses on some related psychosomatice aspects of quantum entropy & entanglement, and consequences on the usually observablebiological arrow of time & spiritual-informational time reversal. Finally we discuss some spiritual-informational implicationson free will & individual and collective consciousness reprogramming.
Author Contributions
Copyright © 2024 Dejan Rakovic

Competing interests
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
In past few decades there is increasing interest in quantum-informational trends in (open) macroscopic quantum environments in biology, medicine, and psychology, all the way down to quantum-informational roots of the universe, to name few of them. They are motivated by growing experimental evidences and/ or deep theoretical reasons which cannot be accounted by existing classical biophysical paradigm 1.
In this context, it seems that Tesla's legacy for the new millennium is introspective evidence of his transpersonal creative communications 2, with fascinating possibility of his meditative eidetic control and increase of macro-quantum correlations with the quantum-holographic primal source of collective consciousness, as a clue for deeper understanding biophysical basis of creative processes 3 (according to ancient Vedic knowledge related to transpersonal interaction with the deep level of consciousness called Ritam Bhara Pragya, described in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and literally meaning ’when mind perceives things as they are’ 4).
Tesla's phenomenological insights could provide additional understanding of our extended Hopfield-like macroscopic quantum-holographic / quantum-gravitational (QHQG) framework for non-local psychosomatics, based on systemic decrease of quantum entropy & macro-quantum correlations of acupuncture system / individual consciousness & collective consciousness 3, which may provide clue for improving epigenetic strategies for integrative medicine & transpersonal psychology 5, 6 – based on methods & techniques for decrease of quantum entropy & macro-quantum correlations of acupuncture system / individual consciousness & collective consciousness 7, 8.
In this Tesla-inspired paper we shall firstly focuse on some interesting QHQG psychosomatice aspects related to quantum entropy & entanglement, and consequences on the biological arrow of time & spiritual-informational time reversal, with final discussion on related spiritual-informational implicationson free will & reprogrammingofindividual & collective consciousness.
Quantum Entropy & Entanglement, Arrow of Time & Spiritual-Informational Time Reversal
According to our QHQG theoretical framework, spontaneous transpersonal communications, with exchange of information in transitional states of consciousness, would have negative psychosomatic-spiritual effects, giving rise to global trans-generational increase of psychosomatic loads on the level of quantum-holographic network of collective consciousness – which might represent the sin / karmic engine of history. The only phenomenon which decreases these loads might be all-forgiving prayer to ourselves and others (relatives, enemies, decised) – probably via simultaneously vacuum-excited spiritually-purifying new macro-quantum portions of vital energy (similarly to spiritually-excited and mentally-channeled Ayurvedic, Qigong, Reiki and modern experiences of local & transpersonal healing 1, 4, 7!) in prayer-related persons – as (decoherence-like) quantum-gravitational non-stationary indeterministic purifying interventions in unitary intrinsic quantum-holographic stationary evolution of collective consciousness!
Within our QHQG framework, it is plausible to consider healthy psychosomatic state (of the acupuncture system / consciousness), as the simplest informational state of the lowest quantum entropy (with single memory state), and disordered psychosomatic states as more complex states of the higher quantum entropy (with additional side memory states, cf. Figure 1).
Figure 1.Schematic presentation of the memory attractors in the energy-state hypersurface of psychosomatic state of open macroscopic quantum-holographic acupuncture system / consciousness, as proposed quantum-holographic manifestations of psychosomatic disorders (hundreds of them being in primary psychosomatic diseases and thousands of them in their combinations according to acupuncture-based Tibetan traditional medicine, with therapeutic goal to balance / remove all unwilling side memory attractors in procedure traditionally recommended half a year). Then, in the context of holistic acupuncture-based and consciousness-based approaches and techniques 7, their goal would be bioresonant excitation of the target palpatory-painful / psychologically-traumatic memory attractors of acupuncture system / consciousness. That enables disordered initial memory attractors to be one by one resonantly excited (similar to annealing procedure in artificial neural networks 9), thus becoming shallower and wider on the account of deepening of (energy-dominating) memory attractor of the healthy quantum state (acupuncture palpatory painless / psychologically non-traumatic). This information of the healthy quantum state is then altogether quantum -holographically projected on lower quantum-holographic cellular level, thus changing the expression of genes in morphogenesis. Therefore, all holistic acupuncture-based & consciousness-based approaches and techniques could be treated as quantum-informational therapies, by imposing new healing boundary conditions in the energy-state space of the acupuncture system / consciousness.
Really, by considering psychosomatic state in generally mixed quantum state, described by the density matrix:
then von Neumann's quantum-mechanical entropy can be expressed in the form which is reduced (after calculation of trace) to classical Shannon's entropy
are probabilities of realization of the kᵢ -th state) 10, 11.
Then, in the mentioned QHQG framework, entropyof pure-healthy state of the psychosomatic system (described by single -th term in the superposition, of probability
), would be equal to
(as a consequence that pure quantum state provides maximal possible information about the quantum psychosomatic system), while entropyof mixed-disordered state of the psychosomatic system (described by the full superposition), would be equal
(as a consequence that mixed stochastic state provides uncomplete information about the quantum psychosomatic system).
Thus, in the QHQG framework, psychosomatic healthy state is really the state of the minimal entropy (minimal quantum entanglement with environment), while psychosomatic disordered state is the state of the increased entropy (increased quantum entanglement with environment) – with usuallyobservable biological arrow of time.
In the same QHQG framework, spiritually-purifying transpersonal healing naturally decreases entropy (quantum entanglement with environment) i.e. increases information (healthy complexity) of the macroscopic quantum psychosomatic system – with spiritual-informational time reversal. (Let us note that quantum entanglement experiments with time-reversed EPR also demonstrate that the quantum history observed may be retroactively affected by observations carried out much later 12, with possibility of radical avoiding any reference to objective reality altogether, as in the Copenhagen Interpretation.)
It should be added that our macroscopic QHQG framework is also supported by fundamentalholographic principle13 according to which any (3D) physical system is isomorphic to holographic information embedded on its (2D) surface, which implies that the full quantum-informational content of our 3D body could be quantum-holographically contained in the corresponding 2D surface layer – bearing resemblance to traditional psychosomatic concepts of energy-informational acupuncture system / individual consciousness 1, 10.
Spiritual Implications on Free Will & Individual and Collective Consciousness Reprogramming
In the context of the predestined trans-generational cosmic quantum hologram of collective consciousness 1, 4, in a deep psychotherapeutic terminology the possibility of its reprogramming by spiritual purification would be reduced to dis-entangling / un-binding from almost all levels of individual & collective consciousness, and consequently to full re-integration of the higher Self – by its re-union with spiritual primal source (with previous mentally controlled systemic spiritual decreasing of macro-quantum correlations of individual & collective consciousness). This might leave most room for free will and influence on future preferences – making the role of every person indispensable due to influence and concern for collective mental environment, as elaborated in 14!
On these lines, the holistic clue for imposing healing boundary conditions in the energy-state space of acupuncture system / (individual & collective) consciousness of patients should be taken into account, with significant psychosomatic implications on necessity of including three front lines of psychosomatic integrative medicine in top-down order 1, 8: (i) collective consciousness, (ii) acupuncture system / individual consciousness, and (iii) somatic level. It should be pointed out that the necessary activities in the second and third levels, with neglect of the first level, would result in further transpersonal transfer of memory attractors on the level of individual & collective consciousness in this and future generations, thus accumulating quantum-holographic nonlocal loads that cause then not only diseases but also interpersonal conflicts, wars and other sufferings. So, this implies necessity to focus on the origins of many psychosomatic problems on underlying prenatal trans-generational levels15, 16.
In particular, let us mention South American ayahuaska & Nigerian Abiku traditions with fascinatingspiritual diagnoses and extensions of the predestined-short-life programs17, 18; or Hawaiian ho’oponopono tradition with remarkable reprogramming of the life situationsbycontextualrepenting andforgivingourselves19; or fascinating world bestseller of Anita Moorjani20on spiritual changing her life program with return from clinical death and after a few weeks spontaneous healing of terminal phase of cancer; or contemporary spiritual teaching of Bruno Groening with incredible healing channel remained open after his death 21, inoptimizing both individual and collective life programs;or Christian Mysticism with miraculous healing and optimizing life programs22, 23! [This greatly contributes to our understanding that even most difficult psychosomatic disordershave their roots in theenergy-information blockages, and that healing begins by removing them - first lovingly to ourselves, accepting ourselves and forgiving ourselves, which is then manifested by love to others and acceptance of others (e.g. by spiritually dis-entangling / un-binding repentant-forgiving prayer 8, 16)!]
Thus civilization, via synthesis of scientific knowledge in the field of consciousness and millennia experiences of the spiritual traditions, could contribute that new millennium would be characterized by wisdom. Decisive role in this process could be played by all religious communities, cultivating a true spiritual moral and absolute (not declarative, as so far in history) inter-personal, inter-ethnic and inter-religious tolerance, as a measure of individual behavior from the perspective of death, i.e. amount of generated and non-reprogrammed psychosomatic conflicts until death, which determines the spiritual evolution of the soul of the deceased as well as the preferences of the individual and / or collective future of the descendants – that can be significantly altered only via collective prayer for our neighbors and enemies, and consequently individual & collective consciousness reprogramming 24.
In this Tesla-inspired paper we considered some extended quantum-holographic psychosomatic aspects related to quantum entropy & entanglement, and consequences on the biological arrow of time & spiritual -informational time reversal, with final discussion on related spiritual-informational implicationson free will & individual and collective consciousness reprogramming. In a wider context, Tesla's overall research can be an inspiration for reconsidering global educational / informational / political goals – with a reorientation to holistic subtle actions for solutions of the global risk society.
This paper was partly financed by the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Project No. 178027.
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