Journal of Digestive Disorders And Diagnosis

Journal of Digestive Disorders And Diagnosis

Journal of Digestive Disorders And Diagnosis

Open Access & Peer-Reviewed

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Editorial Policies

Every scientific journal requires some set of instructions, principles, and guidelines for the smooth processing of the manuscript to maintain high-quality standards. The guidelines are required to increase the journal's credibility, visibility, and integrity.

Here, a few editorial policies are outlined to provide directions to the editorial staff.

Open Access

Open access is a form of publishing that allows authors to share their work with the world without restrictions or a subscription fee. Any published articles are freely available to read, download, copy, or redistribute without any payment. By making their research openly available, authors can take advantage of the power of the internet to amplify the reach and impact of their articles.

Peer Review

Our standard practice is to conduct Single Blind peer review. However, authors may opt for Double Blind peer review by omitting their names and affiliations from the manuscript and disclosing them solely in the cover letter if they prefer to do so.


By enrolling in our membership, a nominal fee may be imposed to publish unlimited articles within a designated timeframe. Complete exemption from author publication charges, which are typically required, is available for publication in an open-access journal. This offer is valid for an unlimited number of manuscripts during the entire duration of your membership with the aforementioned journal. Additionally, membership includes a range of valuable author services.

Article Processing Charges

Open Access journals do not impose any subscription fees and are readily accessible to individuals worldwide. Consequently, a one-time fee is levied on authors to support the publishing house's requirements. Details concerning these fees can be obtained.

Funding Disclosure

The funding section of the manuscript will provide readers with information regarding any financial support the authors have received for their research. This information will be included in both the Online and PDF versions of the article. If the authors have not received any funding, this section will be omitted from the manuscript.

Animal Research

Laboratory animals must be treated following established regulations and handled with utmost care. Any precautionary measures taken during experimentation must be documented to avoid any potential legal violations. Scientific fraud and falsified research will not be tolerated and will result in severe consequences for those involved in such misconduct. Additionally, copyright infringement is considered unethical and will not be condoned.

Human Subjects Research

Before conducting the study, it is imperative to obtain consent from all parties involved. This should only be done after disclosing any potential outcomes or situations that may arise, including the possibility of experiment failure. It is of utmost importance to maintain privacy and strict confidentiality as deemed necessary. It is advised to refrain from influencing the population or individuals by offering excessive rewards for manipulation.

Copyright and License

We are authorized under the CREATIVE COMMONS LICENSE, which permits the copying and distribution of your work, subject to the appropriate citation of the author. The authors retain the copyright and publishing rights without any limitations.

All articles that are published under this license shall be made readily available to the general public, free of charge. Furthermore, said articles may be freely perused, downloaded, replicated, and disseminated, in strict accordance with the aforementioned license.


It is imperative that all individuals involved in the publishing process adhere to ethical standards. While we provide a comprehensive list of expected ethical conduct for each role, we also adhere to the guidelines set forth by COPE and ICMJE. We strongly encourage our editors, reviewers, and authors to familiarize themselves with the COPE and ICMJE websites for further information.

Plagiarism Detection

The process of verifying the originality of manuscripts is conducted through the utilization of CrossCheck and Ithenticate. If a manuscript is found to contain plagiarized content, it will be rejected and the author will be provided with a report for their reference. 

Duplicate Publication

Conducting research and documenting it without adhering to the prescribed guidelines to attain the intended outcome is regarded as falsification. It is evident that such conduct is wholly inappropriate.

Corrections to Published Work

Any necessary corrections will be managed following the guidelines set forth by COPE and will be indicated by the use of CrossMark, thereby ensuring the accuracy and timeliness of the available data.

Advertising and Sponsorship

To date, we have refrained from promoting any advertisements within our journals. Our pages remain free of any advertising content, whether in-house or third-party. While we may consider in-house advertisements in the future, we currently do not encourage third-party advertisements. Should anyone wish to utilize our ad space, we kindly request that they consult with us beforehand at email. It is important to note that we do not currently rely on any sponsorships.

Figure Quality

To ensure clarity and comprehension, figures must be accompanied by titles and legends that provide ample detail. Legends should be positioned immediately below the corresponding figure.

Journals By Subject

Life Sciences
Medical Sciences