Journal of Veterinary Healthcare

About The Journal

Journal of Veterinary Healthcare is a reputable and respected publication dedicated to the dissemination of cutting-edge research and discoveries in the field of veterinary research. As an open access, peer-reviewed journal, we strive to publish only the highest quality work, promoting advancements in the area of Veterinary Healthcare.

JVHC is committed to disseminating groundbreaking research in animal and veterinary sciences. Our expert editorial team curates the latest studies in veterinary medicine, covering a broad spectrum of topics, including:

  • Animal research and clinical veterinary studies
  • Preventive veterinary medicine and healthcare
  • Nutrition, genetics, and animal welfare
  • Veterinary treatments, diagnostics, and therapeutics
  • Surgical advancements, radiology, and laboratory medicine

Scope of Veterinary Healthcare: Veterinary healthcare plays a vital role in animal husbandry, ensuring medical and surgical treatments to enhance animal well-being. This includes:

  • Preventive Care: Vaccinations, parasite control, nutritional guidance, and dental care.
  • Clinical Treatments: Surgery, radiology, anesthesiology, and therapeutics.
  • Specialized Care: Companion animals, working animals, livestock, wildlife, and zoo animals.
  • Research & Innovation: Exploring epidemiological studies, pathology, embryo transfer, and advancements in poultry and livestock healthcare.

Electronic Submission:

All submissions can be done through our Online Manuscript Submission System. Authors are requested to submit their articles directly to Online Manuscript Submission. If you have difficulty filling the online form, you can also send us via e-mail as an attachment to the Editorial Office at


Submission Process:

  • Step 1: Select Journal of Veterinary Healthcare as your preferred journal.
  • Step 2: Provide your name, country, and contact details.
  • Step 3: Upload your manuscript in DOC, DOCX, PDF, or ZIP format.
  • Step 4: Accept the terms & conditions and submit your manuscript.


Instructions for Authors:

Great explorations should be well explained, well organized, properly designed, and ethically approved. Conducting research to a lower standard may empower malpractice. Follow the guidelines.


Editorial Board:

The "Journal of Veterinary Healthcare" is guided by a distinguished editorial board comprised of experts and leaders in the field of Veterinary. The board is committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic excellence, ensuring the quality and integrity of the journal's content.


Every manuscript submitted to the Journal of Veterinary Healthcare undergoes a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the highest standards of scientific integrity and excellence. Our dedicated editorial board, comprised of leading experts in various Veterinary fields, meticulously evaluates each submission to maintain the quality and credibility of our content.

Please view our Published Articles of our JVHC.

Cited Articles:

  • Effect of Oxytetracycline Treatment on Postpartum Reproductive Performance in Dairy Buffalo-Cows with Retained Placenta in Egypt
  • Lipopolysaccharide Prompts Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis in Rats’ Testicular Tissue
  • Uterine Involution and Ovarian Activity in Postpartum Holstein Dairy Cows. A Review


Contact Us:

For any inquiries, please contact us via email.

Journals By Subject

Life Sciences
Medical Sciences