Journal of Enzymes

Previous Issue

Free online availability - Open Access, Peer-Reviewed Articles


Page Numbers  1-18

Using A “Superrooting”Cultivar of Taxus Chinensis Var. Mairei to Unravel Antioxidative Enzymes’ and Micrornas’ Role on Adventitious Rooting

Tang Wei  1  2 Fei Yongjun  1


Page Numbers  19-30

Trichoderma reesei (Hypocrea jecorina) Bgl1 is a Novel, Exo-Acting Glucanase and Xylanase

Brumm Phillip  1  2 Xie Dan  1  2 Allen Larry  1  2 A. Mead David  3  2


Page Numbers  31-33

Study of Antioxidant and Membrane Resistant Peculiarities of a New Cyan Containing Lactone in Membranes of Hepatocytes with Sarcoma-45

G.M.Galoyan  1 P.A.Ghazaryan  2


Page Numbers  34-47

Cloning, Expression and Characterization of the α-glucuronidase from the Hyperthermophile DictyoglomusturgidumDSM 6724Ô

Brumm Phillip  1  2 Xie Dan  1  2 Allen Larry  1  2 A. Mead David  3  2

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