International Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research

International Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research

International Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research

Open Access & Peer-Reviewed

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International Journal of Psychotherapy Practice and Research is a leading publication dedicated to advancing the field of psychotherapy through the dissemination of high-quality research and practice. IJPR is indexed in prestigious databases and directories. These indexing services reflects its commitment to maintaining high editorial standards and ensuring the visibility and accessibility of its content to a global audience of researchers, practitioners, and educators in the field of psychotherapy.

  • ISSN: Recognized globally with the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), cementing its place in the academic world.  
  • IP Indexing: Strategically listed in IP Indexing, ensuring robust visibility across academic and research circles.  
  • General Impact Factor (IF): Indexed in General IF, emphasizing its pivotal role in advancing academic thought.  
  • Open Access (mg): Our journal is indexed in, a leading academic search engine dedicated to Open Access research. This inclusion ensures that our publications are widely accessible to researchers, academics, and professionals across the globe.
  • CiteFactor Recognition: Highlighted in CiteFactor, boosting its credibility and prominence in the international research community.    

Articles are indexed in Renowned Repositories and Social Networking Platforms 

  • Helsinki University Library
  • Semantic Scholar
  • Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld
  • Research Bib
  • Research Gate

1. Analyzing Students’ Opinions about their Learning Environments and Study Approaches with Bayesian Modeling
2. Cognitive Mechanism of Emotional Validity Influencing Conflict Control
3. Combined Therapy Versus Usual Care in the Treatment of Depressed Cancer Patients with Pain
4. Consequences of Repression of Emotion: Physical Health, Mental Health and General Well Being
5. Deficits in Psycho-Oncological Care among Turkish Immigrant Women with Breast Cancer in Germany – An Interview Study.
6. Dispositional Mindfulness, Perceived Stress, and Mental Well-Being in the Cancer Survivorship
7. Dissociative Amnesia – A Challenge to Therapy
8. Impact of Himalayan Singing Bowls Meditation Session on Mood and Heart Rate Variability
9. Mental Health Scenario of Climate Migrant Women among Slum Dwellers in Dhaka City
10. Religion and Mental Health: A Critical Reflection in Consequence of Four Reviews (1969-2013)
11. Resting-State Functional Connectivity Predicts Emotional Conflict Control

Journals By Subject

Life Sciences
Medical Sciences